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Be vagy lépve mint Katonáné Margit | Kilépés
Megjelenés ideje: 2013.08.03.
Today visitors to Dublin Airport were treated and surprised with an incredible 'flashmob' from the cast of 'Take The Floor 2013' and the music of Beoga. An international cast of over 60 of the world's leading Irish Dancers, representing 11 different countries, stunned patrons with their substantial addition to the viral "flashmob" craze. This is in lieu of their upcoming tour across Ireland kicking off at Dublin's Helix Theatre next Friday, August 9th. 'Take The Floor', in association with Riverdance, featuring live music by Beoga is a dance show unlike any other. This brand new departure in live entertainment will not only astound but inspire audiences by showing what can be created when like-minded people put their passions and creativity into practice. 'Take The Floor', directed and produced by Paula Goulding & Shane McAvinchey boasts the largest Irish dance cast in the world!
Filmed and Edited by Greenline Productions.
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@network.hu